Understanding & Downloading Results

understanding and downloading validation results


Result Codes

Valid Verified as a real address Yes (100% Secure)
Invalid Verified as not valid (automatically removed) No
Accept all (Unverifiable) A domain-wide setting (learn more) Maybe (Not recommended)
Mailbox full Recipient inbox full error (automatically removed) No
Disposable Temporary email account (automatically removed) No



A valid email address has been verified as a real email that is currently receiving mail.

SECURE – These emails exist and have been verified for safe sending.



An invalid email address has been verified as a bad email address that does not exist or is not receiving mail. Invalid emails will result in a bounce. (It will be automatically removed from your cleaned list. However, you can easily compare your cleaned list with the original one to know the number of invalid addresses).


Accept All (Unverifiable)

This is also known as a “catch-all”. This is a domain-wide setting where all emails on this domain will be described as an “accept all”. There is no reliable way to determine whether this email is valid or invalid.

An accept-all address is usually used in small businesses to ensure a company receives an email that has been sent to them, regardless of typos. Moreover, these are also seen in larger government, medical and educational organizations. Oftentimes these are in fact valid emails. However, some organizations may use this setting as a security feature to restrict unsolicited emails.

SAFE – If you have a dedicated email server with your own IPs, accept all emails that may be reliable for sending dependent on the overall health of your list.

DON’T SEND – If you use a third-party email provider that needs a bounce rate below 4%, these emails are not safe for sending.

Still, want to learn more further about Accept All?


Mailbox Full

DON’T SEND – If you use a third-party email provider that needs a bounce rate below 4%, these emails are not reliable for sending. These email addresses cannot accept new messages. But that’s, seemingly, not always the case and something else might be causing the error.


Disposable Email

DON’T SEND – The internet is home to thousands of disposable email services. This makes it incredibly simple for malicious users to create a temporary email account and engage in unwanted behavior.