1. Can a “valid” email address bounce?
The verifications are never entirely sure, but we can assure you that more than 99% of “valid” email addresses won’t bounce.
2. What does it mean when an email address is considered “accept all”?
When you implement an Email Verification, the result might be “accept all“. It happens because some email servers accept all the email addresses on a similar domain name, whether they have actually been created or not. In this situation, we can’t make sure the approved email address exists and return the “accept all” status.
To help you determine whether it’s safe to use the email address, we also return a comparison score in percentage.
3. Does Clearalist send an email to do the verification?
The Clearalist email checker validates without sending an email, by directly connecting to the SMTP server.
4. Is the Clearalist Email Verifier free?
When you are logged in, every verification counts as one request or one credit. With a newly free account, you can use up to 100 requests. If you want more, you can upgrade to a plan that suits your needs. Please check our pricing for more information.
5. What do you check for when verifying emails?
This is the list of the verifications we do:
- Valid format: First, we verify the format of the email address is accurate and looks like “[email protected]”.
- Webmail Email Addresses: We verify if the email address uses a webmail like Gmail or Protonmail etc.
- Presence of MX Records: We verify if there are MX records on the domain. If there aren’t, the email address can’t get emails.
- Presence of SMTP Server: This check is successful if we can connect to the SMTP server (shown in MX records).
- SMTP Check: We check the email address and see if it bounces or not, without sending an email.
- Accept-all Domain: We examine if the server has a catch-all policy that accepts all the email addresses.